
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Well... I survived!

This is good news.

For those of you that don't know, I had my second VATS / pleurodesis surgery last Tuesday at the UCLA Medical Center. 

Let's just say - recovery is coming along... but much too slowly for my liking. 

Without getting too gruesome with the details...
This surgery left me with two incision sites and a chest tube for a 3 day stint at the hospital. This time I was smart and got an epidural.. so the pain wasn't bad with the chest tube at all.. this time.
  (I learned my lesson the hard way)
Let's just say, epidurals are AWESOME! 
Honestly, the worst part about chest tubes is getting them taken out. You are fully awake and they pretty much just count to three and yank. It's HORRENDOUS. But this time was my best experience (out of 4 experiences with chest tubes) mainly because it was the first time I had a hand to hold while it happened. 

My husband has been nothing short of SAINTLY through this whole process. I probably would have lost my ish if he wasn't there. 

To be honest, since I've gotten home from the hospital, it hasn't been easy, but I wasn't expecting it to be. However, after 9 days of constant pain and not being able to breathe comfortably, or laugh at anything... it starts to get to you. 
The not being able to laugh thing has been pure torture(I'm a laugher.) 

So, now that I've reached the point where I'm not totally loaded up on meds that cause me to fall asleep every 10 minutes (It's taken me 3 days to write this post) I'll be a much more active blogger. Especially since I'll still be keeping things very low key for quite a while. 
(I'm about as swift as a snail right now)

So hopefully my recovering ramblings aren't too all over the place! 
Thank you so much to everyone for all the positive thoughts and prayers!