
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Blogging... A possible cure for fast-approaching insanity.

Seriously? Just call me 'The Wonder Lung'... you wouldn't be the first.
(But that's really not a very catchy superhero name is it...)

Since I was 18 I've struggled with a reoccurring issue called a 'spontaneous pnuemothorax' (a.k.a. collapsed lung). It happened twice with my right lung which caused me to have major thoracic surgery to prevent it from happening over and over and over..... you get the idea. 
But considering it involved stapling a bit of my lung off (ew), and what surgeons like to call 'pleurodesis' (I call it 'the thing that's caused Lindsey the most pain in her life') - it really put me out of commission for a while & I honestly nearly went crazy from boredom & lack of mobility. 
(There is only so much Sex & the City you can watch...)

So I had conquered that tough phase of my young adult life, and learned a lot about how fragile we are as human beings, and how much we really do take for granted. Everything, including the simple air in our lungs.
(You never know how precious simply breathing is until its agonizing to do just that..)

The problem was fixed though, and I would never have to go through that again. Or so I thought..

I guess after 3 years my left lung felt left out and has collapsed twice since 2010 - most recently last month, while on vacation in Texas, visiting my wonderful in-laws. 

Therefore, I have opted to have the surgery again. 

Part of me feels totally crazy for volunteering to undergo the most painful experience of my life, but at the same time I'm excited to be free of the anxiety this problem causes me every day. 

This is where you come in... 
Considering I will soon be very stationary (and not liking it) for quite a while, I figured starting a blog would give me an outlet and something to occupy my time... and also provide you with some highly medicated ramblings... 
(I may have to recruit my husband to censor me so I don't embarrass myself too badly.)

So if you decide to follow along, thank you for the support and enjoy the show! ;)

(Awesome x-ray. See all that dark area... yeah, not supposed to be like that.. Stupid wonder lungs!)


  1. Yayyyyyy! It's official! I'm super pumped that you're on this blog-o-sphere of greatness =]
    I'm also super duper (yeah I'm 5-years old) that you'll be guest blogging soon =]

    1. YESSSSS! I'm pretty stoked to take advantage of the guest blogging opportunity! (I've just got to come up with a fantasmical topic first....) ;)
