
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lame or Lovely

Week of 8.6.12 - 8.13.12


- No air conditioning in your house. Not ok during heat waves.

- Dark nail polish. Hellooo, it's still summer! That nonsense can wait till Fall.

- Wanting to make your famous beer bread, but the husband drank the last beer.

- Awkward variety of tan lines.

- Trying to unlock your iPhone while running on a treadmill. 

- Building anxiety over surgery. A.k.a. convinced impending doom. 

- Not having a job (or paycheck). And knowing I have to wait until after recovery to get one.


- Sitting for hours on the beach by yourself. 

- Warm evenings / nights. At Disneyland.

- New (prestigious) job for the husband. Soo incredibly proud.

- Buying the perfect birthday gift for an adorable 3 year old. 

- New friends and their extremely warm pools. Fun night swims, in said pools. 

- Saint-like, extremely patient & forgiving husbands.

- Copious amounts of amazing wine, and shrimp scampi to die for. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Marriage - The Harsh Truth of a Major Myth

Thanks to my dear friend Kim (check her out, over at her blog HERE!), and her incredible social media and Communications Major skills, I'm always benefiting from the things she finds and posts.

This morning it was a bit of 'food for thought' on marriage and the breaking of the 'Happily Ever After' myth. 

If your married, engaged, in a relationship, or completely and totally single - you should read this.

I loved the frank honesty and down to earth attitude Sheryl Paul uses in this article - because let's face it, we live in a world that likes to sugar coat everything, and is so afraid to be real in efforts not to hurt anyone's feelings. 
Seriously? Since when did we all become little babies that can't handle things that are difficult?! 

I understand we have all grown up with the ideal 'happily ever after' shoved down our throats since we could blink, but there comes a time when you need to separate fictitious fairytales from true life reality, and I feel like being able to consciously realize marriage is not a fairytale, in any circumstances, is a skill that is becoming extremely rare. 

I admit, I had to learn this hard lesson myself. 
I was a major believer in the myth. Especially being such a die-hard romantic! 
So I had to learn this lesson when my husband and I were engaged, because I take marriage extremely seriously, and always knew that whenever I decided to get married, I'd be in it for the long haul. 

I had to really sit down with myself and give myself a huge reality check... Especially marrying a Marine, whose job has to come first! I mean, what is that?! That's not exactly the picture perfect, "riding off into the sunset" ideal I had imagined - especially with all the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special days he would have to miss being deployed all the dang time! 

But forcing myself to separate the fiction from the reality was extremely freeing.
There was no longer any pressure to make the man I love into something he's not - into something society or fictional stories want men to be. 
He's human. He makes mistakes, and sometimes he bugs the crap out of me (and I do the same)
- but after accepting the fact that he's not perfect, it let me appreciate him for all he is, and just how great a guy he is- in the real world.
 And although he may not be perfect - I learned he's perfect for me.

So please do yourself, your marriage, and your happiness a favor and force yourself to take this lesson to heart. 
Because honestly, there are way too many divorce EXCUSES these days, and many divorcees (like J.Lo) look at themselves like the victim and not the problem. Which, to put it harshly, simply isn't the case. 

In my experience, a happy marriage is: compromise, communication, investing in each other, and always trying to perfect the balance between giving and taking. 

My husband and I are not perfect, and we don't have a "textbook perfect" marriage
-but we are so happy because we apologize, and forgive, and never forget what's truly important in the grand scale of things.

Life isn't about being happy for a single moment, it's about being happy for a lifetime.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Good Moods

Guess what... I currently am in one!! 
A really REALLY good one! 
It could be the fact that its a gloriously sunny morning... 
Or I married the sweetest man alive who showers me with half conscious kisses every morning before the sun rises (a.k.a. before he leaves for work)... 
Or I found one of my favorite coffee mugs... 

(Henry VIII and his disappearing wives..-as the mug heats up they disappear- haha history humor...)

However, let's be honest, all three of those are definitely good-mood factors! 
Here's to a happy, beautiful Wednesday! 
See you at the beach! ;)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Odds and Ends from the Weekend

Nothing too crazy to report, but I must say, I think that's what was needed! 

Friday the bestie was visiting from up north, getting her new house on base in preparation for her hubby's fast approaching homecoming from Afghanistan! Not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited to have my best friend living near me again! So considering Friday night traffic through LA is comparable to torture by the Spanish Inquisition... she waited until rush hour faded and tagged along for dinner with the hubby and I to good ol' Red Lobster. 
(fishies... yum) 

And as a consequence of hubby footing the bill - we let him drag us around Best Buy for way too long, looking for something they didn't carry... But we got a couple of DVDs to add to our movie-obsessed collection, so I was happy. 

Saturday proved to be a much-needed DIY self-pampering day. I finally got the chipped nail polish off my nails and treated them to an at-home spa mani/pedi, lounged around like the Queen of Sheeba, and took WAY too long getting ready for our dinner & a movie date! 

(Me. Post-Pamperage. Look at that freshly scrubbed face!haha)

Hubby & I finally went and saw The Dark Knight Rises - and let me just tell you, I wished I never did my nails because I had pretty much chipped off all the fresh polish by the time it was over due to the incredible suspense! It really was ridiculously well-done.

Sunday pretty much went to the dogs..
Falling asleep in a seriously weird position will give you SUCH a CRICK IN THA NECK! 
(Meant to be said like the Genie, played by Robin Williams in Aladdin...)
So I basically spent the day as clumsy folk like me do.. With an ice pack. But my husband was such a sweet heart and kept me supplied with Advil and Oreos. (Helloooo, cure-all)

But of course the weekend wouldn't be complete without a cold beverage and the newest episode of True Blood! (Bill, you bastard!)

(I wouldn't call myself a beer aficionado - but this wasn't bad!)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Blogging... A possible cure for fast-approaching insanity.

Seriously? Just call me 'The Wonder Lung'... you wouldn't be the first.
(But that's really not a very catchy superhero name is it...)

Since I was 18 I've struggled with a reoccurring issue called a 'spontaneous pnuemothorax' (a.k.a. collapsed lung). It happened twice with my right lung which caused me to have major thoracic surgery to prevent it from happening over and over and over..... you get the idea. 
But considering it involved stapling a bit of my lung off (ew), and what surgeons like to call 'pleurodesis' (I call it 'the thing that's caused Lindsey the most pain in her life') - it really put me out of commission for a while & I honestly nearly went crazy from boredom & lack of mobility. 
(There is only so much Sex & the City you can watch...)

So I had conquered that tough phase of my young adult life, and learned a lot about how fragile we are as human beings, and how much we really do take for granted. Everything, including the simple air in our lungs.
(You never know how precious simply breathing is until its agonizing to do just that..)

The problem was fixed though, and I would never have to go through that again. Or so I thought..

I guess after 3 years my left lung felt left out and has collapsed twice since 2010 - most recently last month, while on vacation in Texas, visiting my wonderful in-laws. 

Therefore, I have opted to have the surgery again. 

Part of me feels totally crazy for volunteering to undergo the most painful experience of my life, but at the same time I'm excited to be free of the anxiety this problem causes me every day. 

This is where you come in... 
Considering I will soon be very stationary (and not liking it) for quite a while, I figured starting a blog would give me an outlet and something to occupy my time... and also provide you with some highly medicated ramblings... 
(I may have to recruit my husband to censor me so I don't embarrass myself too badly.)

So if you decide to follow along, thank you for the support and enjoy the show! ;)

(Awesome x-ray. See all that dark area... yeah, not supposed to be like that.. Stupid wonder lungs!)