
Monday, August 6, 2012

Odds and Ends from the Weekend

Nothing too crazy to report, but I must say, I think that's what was needed! 

Friday the bestie was visiting from up north, getting her new house on base in preparation for her hubby's fast approaching homecoming from Afghanistan! Not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited to have my best friend living near me again! So considering Friday night traffic through LA is comparable to torture by the Spanish Inquisition... she waited until rush hour faded and tagged along for dinner with the hubby and I to good ol' Red Lobster. 
(fishies... yum) 

And as a consequence of hubby footing the bill - we let him drag us around Best Buy for way too long, looking for something they didn't carry... But we got a couple of DVDs to add to our movie-obsessed collection, so I was happy. 

Saturday proved to be a much-needed DIY self-pampering day. I finally got the chipped nail polish off my nails and treated them to an at-home spa mani/pedi, lounged around like the Queen of Sheeba, and took WAY too long getting ready for our dinner & a movie date! 

(Me. Post-Pamperage. Look at that freshly scrubbed face!haha)

Hubby & I finally went and saw The Dark Knight Rises - and let me just tell you, I wished I never did my nails because I had pretty much chipped off all the fresh polish by the time it was over due to the incredible suspense! It really was ridiculously well-done.

Sunday pretty much went to the dogs..
Falling asleep in a seriously weird position will give you SUCH a CRICK IN THA NECK! 
(Meant to be said like the Genie, played by Robin Williams in Aladdin...)
So I basically spent the day as clumsy folk like me do.. With an ice pack. But my husband was such a sweet heart and kept me supplied with Advil and Oreos. (Helloooo, cure-all)

But of course the weekend wouldn't be complete without a cold beverage and the newest episode of True Blood! (Bill, you bastard!)

(I wouldn't call myself a beer aficionado - but this wasn't bad!)

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